
Showing posts from April, 2020

#Road Construction – Bitumen usages and important

Bitumen has certain quality in built in it during its manufacture. Bitumen as a raw material in flexible road construction and as a mix provides certain advantages that encourage to use widely in construction material. It is used widely because production of bitumen is economical. It is a by-product of crude oil distillation process. Again treatment of this by product we can get pure bitumen free from impurities. The melting point of bitumen is very low. It can be melted easily during the laying of pavement. Other than that it has a melting point that will not affect the already cast roads to melt and go any deformation. Bitumen has a quality that it can be melted back to its original state. This is called as asphalt recycling process.This torn-up asphalt pieces are taken up to the recycling plant, instead of sending them to landfills instead of to the sites. This can be re-used. It is not toxic. It has a highly adhesive nature which provide the materials to bind